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Why you need Medicare Supplement Insurance (or Medigap): A Step by Step guide outlining the benefits of adding a Medigap plan to your Medicare coverage.

Medicare Supplement Insurance

Original Medicare is a great health insurance plan, but did you know it doesn’t cover some essential medical costs? The best way to compensate for the gaps is by enrolling in Medical Supplement Insurance, which will ensure adequate coverage.
Medicare Supplement Insurance or Medigap Policies are insurance plans that offer additional benefits and bridge the costs gaps that the Original Medicare doesn’t cover. These plans can cover a range of costs, such as:

  •   Co-pays
  •   Deductibles and Co-insurance
  •   Hospital Stays
  •   Doctor Visits

Some Medicare supplement plans also offer savings on Part A & Part B deductibles associated with Original Medicare, all the more reason to buy it. The good news is that we offer the perfect Medicare Supplement Insurance plans that provide the necessary coverage and minimize your medical bills.

So, get the best Medicare Supplement Insurance to fund the remaining cost not paid by Original Medicare Part A and B. We recommend Plan G, Plan N, or Plan F (if you qualify).

Medicare Coverage & Healthcare Insurance Dilemma

If you are approaching 65 or older, you might already have a Medicare plan. The problem is that the Original Medicare plans don’t cover at least 20% of essential medical costs, which can become a financial burden for you.
We understand that healthcare cost is a significant financial concern for you post-retirement and wanted to design the ideal solution. Meta Senior Insurance helps thousands of seniors find the best Medicare Supplement insurance plans.

How do We Help?

We are experts in Medicare and specialize in helping seniors find the best Medicare Supplement Insurance plans according to their healthcare needs and goals. Our Medicare Insurance advisors can help you navigate your options and educate you to make intelligent choices about the available Medigap plans in your area.

Our goal is to help you every step of the way in choosing the right policy to maximize your coverage and reduce or eliminate the exposure to 5-figure ($3000-$12000) out-of-pocket costs.

What Is Medicare Supplement Insurance?

Original Medicare helps pay for Hospital Services Part A and Medical Services Part B, and then you pay the rest of what original Medicare doesn’t cover. Sometimes Medicare supplement Insurance is also referred to as Medigap Insurance policy.
Furthermore, Medicare Supplement Insurance Policyholders can go to any provider nationwide and not worry about out-of-pocket costs.
Depending on your location and state, you only have to pay a small monthly premium ($100-$200). Hence, you’ll get the freedom and peace of mind to travel anywhere in the US and not worry about networks or out-of-pocket costs.
Lastly, Medicare Supplement Insurance policies are guaranteed renewable for life. Your policy can’t be canceled because of your health or age as long as you pay your premiums.

Medical Supplement Insurance helps pay for:

  •   Copays
  •   Co-insurance
  •   Deductibles for Part A
  •   Deductible for Part B (only if you are on Plan F)
  •   Blood (First 3 pints)
  •   Medicare Part B Excess charges

It also covers additional out-of-pocket costs like:

  •   Hospitalization
  •   Home healthcare
  •   Lab cost
  •   Medical equipment
  •   Doctor’s service

However, Medicare Supplement coverage plans don’t cover:

  •    Routine dental, vision, and hearing exams
  •    Hearing aids
  •    Eyeglasses or contacts
  •    Long-term care or custodial care
  •    Retail prescription drugs

What Is the Eligibility Requirement for Medicare Supplement Coverage?

You can apply for Medicare Supplement if you are turning 65 or above and have already enrolled in Medicare Part A and B.

What is Meta Senior Insurance Scope of Service for Medicare Supplement?

Our primary role is to educate and act as your trusted Health and Life Insurance advisors and help you make an informed decision regarding Medicare Supplement Insurance. There is a wide range of Medigap plans, ranging from the most basic bare-bones Plan A to the most comprehensive Plan G.
All Medigap plans in the US are federally approved and standardized plans. So it doesn’t matter which State/location you are in and which insurance carrier you choose. The benefits of each plan letter (A to N) will be identical.
Carriers or insurance companies have to adhere to federal standards. Hence, Medicare Supplement Insurance plans offered by different companies will be identical in coverage in all aspects and work in all 50 states. Thus, our job is to find a plan that best suits your needs and requirements.

Our Solutions

Our experienced advisors help you analyze your situation, understand your monthly budget constraints related to monthly premiums, and help you navigate the process. Together, we help you evaluate and compare plan provisions and shop for the best rates and coverage to make an informed decision.
Moreover, we strive to protect you from out-of-pocket costs and risks and find the full range of coverage that best meets your needs. We will help identify gaps and determine if you’re under or over-insured.
We aim to help you get the health insurance coverage required to ensure you get the best medical coverage within your budget without stressing over the cost.

Our Recommendations based on Stats & Popular Choice

For most situations, Plan G and Plan N are the best options to provide comprehensive coverage and peace of mind. These plans cover most individuals’ needs and help cover excess medical costs that Medicare does not cover.
The Medicare Advantage plan may seem attractive, but it doesn’t have the same coverage as Medicare Supplement. We recommend you ignore the former if you can afford the monthly premium of $100-$200 for your Plan G or $100 for Plan N.

Contact Us

You can contact us to learn more about Plan G and Plan N, get a free quote, and compare your options. Please call us at 603-696-4394 or 1-833-META-T65 for a free comparison of your Medigap options.


  1. www.ahip.org/research.
  2. https://www.ahip.org/resources/the-state-of-medicare-supplement-coverage-trends-in-enrollment-and-demographics



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